ABOUT US Message
April 1, 2024
President and Representative Director
The advance of generative AI is driving an astonishing transformation in the world of IT services. The progress of technology never ceases, while customer needs change relentlessly, growing ever more complex and diverse.
To respond promptly to these emerging customer needs, INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. is pouring its strength into training engineers at an advanced level. To support customers’ digital transformation (DX), we are strengthening collaboration with business partners and transforming our business model through DX, creating services unique to the Company. At the same time, INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. is pressing ahead with deployment of services for the cloud and cybersecurity fields which are forecast to enjoy ebullient growth as we look ahead. We are laser-focused on using AI to bolster service quality and productivity.
On the road ahead, INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. looks forward to tackling a succession of challenges, responding flexibly to changing times as an indispensable partner for the development of customers’ operations. We will expend every effort to earn customers’ trust and provide them with still greater value for many years to come. In this effort I ask once more of your support, cooperation and encouragement.
April 1, 2024
President and Representative Director